Chicken in Sherry Cream Sauce

Sunday we made a chicken dish that came out pretty well, and so I’m sharing the recipe here.


Ingredients per original recipe:

  • Artichokes – 2 8oz cans
  • Mushrooms – 1lb
  • Chicken – 5 breasts, cut in half
  • 1.5 cups chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup cream
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup sherry
  • 3 TB butter
  • 4 TB flour
  • Bread crumbs
  • Parmesan Cheese, grated or shredded


What I actually did:

Firstly, butter or oil a casserole dish (8×12) – I used olive oil. 

I had no mushrooms, but I did have a huge jar of artichokes, so I simply made a layer of artichokes on the bottom of the dish, making no attempt to measure it.


Precook the chicken in sherry – I had a whole deboned chicken, and I essentially sautéed it in sherry until the outside was cooked, but made no effort to cook it all the way through.   Could have stood to do another chicken, ended up with a lot of liquid relative to chicken.

Layer the chicken in the pan on top of the artichokes

Add to the sherry:  broth, cream, milk, salt & pepper to taste, and butter, and bring to boil.   I added a little more sherry at this point because I used it to rinse the rest of the cream and milk from the measuring cup.    Feel free to vary proportions to taste.   Whisk in the flour a tablespoon at a time to thicken the sauce, but you want sauce, not gravy, so not too much!


Pour liquid over the chicken and artichokes.   Add a layer of breadcrumbs (I used unseasoned panko ones, didn’t want warring seasonings) and a layer of parmesan cheese.   Bake the whole thing at 350 for 30 minutes and server over rice.


We made the rice in the chicken broth from the last local chicken, and promptly turned the bones from this one into, you guessed it, more broth!   It’s a virtuous cycle, or something.

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